
Teräs Käsi, or "steel hand" in Basic, was a weaponless martial art that originated on the planet Bunduki. Some lightsaber duelists used Teräs Käsi techniques in combat, most notably Darth Maul. Jedi Master Anoon Bondara was also a master of Teräs Käsi techniques, which he coupled with his lightsaber ability to duel. Jedi Knight Joclad Danva was also a Teräs Käsi practitioner. Jedi Master Plo Koon was believed to be a Teräs Käsi practitioner as well, since he was a master at hand-to-hand combat.

Phow Ji was a Teräs Käsi champion who once defeated Joclad Danva. Arden Lyn was also a follower of this combat style.

Known moves[]

  • Riding Bantha
  • Rancor Rising
  • Forraderi Stance
  • Spitting Rawl